Last Thursday was the first of a string of sewing bees at Far North REAP lined up for the year to make Kait-Tāia Kete for Plastic Free July 2020 and the EcoCentre.
With the single use plastic bag ban kicking in at the beginning of July coinciding with Plastic Free July we’re trying to build up our stock of bags which will be for sale at the EcoCentre and the market stalls we’ll be having each week from Saturday 29th June through to Saturday 29th July.

Of course the need for cloth shopping bags won’t end with the end of Plastic Free July, so we have dates booked right through until December.
There are sewing machines available for use, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. Material etc provided.
This is open to all abilities, you don’t need to be an expert, in fact this is an opportunity for you to learn how to sew a shopping bag. We have a core team of volunteers who are not only able to make the bags, but can teach you how to do so too! So do come along if you want to expand, or even start your sewing machine skills. You can learn tricks for sturdy seams, handles, and putting in gussets or boxing the corners. We literally cut our bags according to our cloth to maximise use and minimise wasteage so there is no standard pattern, you are welcome to make them as simple or as complicated as you wish!
There are also tasks that don’t require sewing such as sorting and cutting out the material, attaching labels etc, and making cups of tea/coffee!
What is more, if you are a member of Kaitāia Timebank you can earn timecredits for the hours you put in, which you can spend getting something done for you. We’re also happy for people to make additional bags for us at home and earn timecredits that way too.
Contact Waikaere Gregory for more information: or 021 1628071
All dates are Thursdays from 1-4pm, in the Kukupa Room at Far North REAP – pop them on your calendar now!
6th & 20th June
4th July
1st August
12th September
10th October
7th & 21st November
5th December
by Anna Dunford