Do you listen to podcasts? TimeBanks.Org have a whole list of timebanker's stories (62 so far to date!)
These include the 50 Stories in 50 Days series with reflections from the father of timebanking, the late Edgar Cahn which first ran over 50 weeks during 2019 & 2020.
Podcasts started again monthly in 2024 mostly with host Mike Cosh interviewing prominent timebankers in the USA and UK.
TimeBanks.Org would love to broaden the scope of the podcasts and get more folk involved from across the international timebanking community, either as a host or interviewee. If this sounds like you then get in touch with the host via if you let us know how much time you put in we'll happily add timecredits to your account for doing this!
To find the podcasts put TimeBanks.Org into the search box where you get your podcasts, or click on the button at to listen via Spotify.