Learn - Grow - Cook - Eat
A Celebration from Seed to Plate
Update 20 September 2023
We now have a detailed schedule for the event, see here below.
On the day - for TimeBank members - look out for me, Barbara, to find out the amazing ways your timecredits can be exchanged, how you can spend them and how you can earn them. Bring along your non-member friends, there will be a special offer to join on the day! #exciting
Nau Mai - Haere Mai ! You are invited to Kai Fest, a day long celebration and activation of growing and eating local organic food from seed to plate!
There will be lots of learning opportunities, cooking, sharing kai and more - all by koha (no fee, just a donation) and time credit exchanges.
Beautiful spread of local, organic kai for Breakfast & Lunch. Bring your plate, fork and cup to enjoy the kai! Bring along some organic fruit or vegetables to contribute to lunch.
Local Food Systems Panel Discussion Tour of the Māra Tui Garden Sub-Tropical Fruit growing in Northland Talk (Bananas & Pineapples) Growing Strawberries Learn how to make compost Community Cropping potatoes "What is Timebanking?" - Presentation SerendipiDay Community Fayre: "Music, Stalls and more Good Food"
This is a "Zero Waste" event.
Details: Contact Asha at transtown.boi@gmail.com
For Timebanking enquiries contact Barbara barbara.tttimebank@gmail.com
Let us know that you're interested through our Facebook Event Page
Ngā mihi, Barbara
Event Schedule
