Te Hiku Hauora Maara Kai Community Gardens are running a series of workshops to take you through the process from planting seeds to harvesting and cooking the produce you can grow. It’s on four consecutive Thursdays, 14th, 21st & 28th February, and 7th March.
The workshops are free of charge but you do need to register, either contact Jo on whakahaumanu@protonmail.com, 0204 1020 333, or call in to the EcoCentre and sign up.
The time of day the course happens will depend on those who are keen to come and what best fits the group.
Of course you’re also welcome to come along any week to help out and learn. Our community garden is coordinated by a teacher of permaculture and is a learning garden where all levels of experience are welcome and valued.
It is a place to come together to share knowledge and learn from each other.
The organic food we grow is for volunteers to eat.
Our community garden will be what we make it. It will be a reflection of those who engage with it.
If you are interested, come down and meet us on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, or contact Jo at Whakahaumanu@protonmail.com to express your interest.
You can find us behind Kaitaia College. Take the first right on Worth Street until you reach a small parking lot. You find us here on your right. https://goo.gl/maps/GxPTyqcmSHK

photos Oscar Oldehaver, text Marije van der Leeuw & Anna Dunford