Kerikeri, working bee - helping hands - support
This is a group call-out
A dear friend, our fellow Timebank member (actually original Timebank initiator) needs OUR help.
As you saw in a previous post about cancellation of FNRCCT’s “Resilience Month” Di Maxwell’s husband, Jack, had a horrendous motorbike accident early April, resulting in severe head injuries that will require a substantial long road for recovery and rehab.
As much as close family and friends are trying to keep on top of all that is needed in and around the house, it is getting far too much to handle, especially with Di being in AKL now most of the time.
So, we need a plan, a roster (?) for weekly working bees, tidy ups and generally picking up the slack. At this point we would look at Saturdays & Sundays.
I am thinking if ALL the active members in this rohe could get back to me in the next couple of days and let me know when (day, time) and how (garden work, transport, coordinator…) they are able to help and what day/time over the next 3 months, how to best contact them (email / txt) I’ll then liaise with Di and her family.
Message me (moving on to a new phone number 022 683 1011 with your name/TTT member number ) or email and let’s all together give ....a little help to our friend 🎵🎶
P.S. I 'll message / email members who live nearby over the next couple of days
P.P.S. Happy to hear if one of my Timebank members would like to get Timecredits for leading the organising team?