Calling all Timebankers to help a fellow member at his property at Karikari Beach! Please join us on Saturday, 9th December at 10am, 597 Maitai Bay Road, Karikari, to help Ron on his stunning beachside property. Health issues has prevented Ron from getting things done on his property and he needs help. He has trees to prune, flower/garden beds to tend to, firewood to split and general clearing. All skills welcome. Those who aren't keen on gardening / DIY, your help in the kitchen getting set up for a shared lunch and clean-up would be most appreciated. Please bring a plate for a shared lunch. Refreshments will be provided and the opportunity to visit the stunning Karikari beach afterwards is there. Cuttings from any plants are available to take home as well. I (Caryl), will be attending the working bee, so it will be a great opportunity to connect with you all.
Car pooling from Kaitaia is available, so please RSVP to me (Caryl) if possible.
