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Working together gets more done!

Writer: Anna DunfordAnna Dunford

On Sunday there was a Timebank working bee on the Gregory whānau land at Pukepoto to move a collection of harakeke from one location to another.

In the two hours we’d agreed to work for six of us managed to not only cut back and relocate all the plants Waikarere wanted moved for her own use, but we also had spare plants that got planted along a boundary fence, and some that went home with those who helped out, along with leaves for weaving with. This was way more than had been anticipated and would have been a real mission for one person to tackle on their own.

It was an opportunity to learn whilst we were working; how to trim the harakeke before digging it out, how to divide the clumps, how much rootstock you need to replant, and how to best orientate the fans/whānau when replanting them (puku to the east!). Thanks to Whaea Joy for her kōrero.

The morning’s activities rounded off with a shared meal sitting out on the deck in the sunshine autumn sunshine. Paula used some of the leaves we’d trimmed to weave a plate whilst we were there, and a waikawa basket once home – making good use of the skills she’d learned at the weaving workshop earlier in the year! There will be another waikawa workshop in July open to anyone, not just timebankers, let us know if you’re interested and we’ll contact you when we’ve got a date set.

Timebanking is an exchange system where one hour of your time equals one timcredit, so those helping out earned 2 timecredits each. They can use those timecredits to exchange services with other timebank members. Unlike the monetary system it’s fine to spend timecredits before you earn them, the important part is keeping the credits moving around. There’s nothing to be gained by stockpiling credits! The more members we have, the wider the range of skills and resources are available to members. Skills include anything from unskilled labour, practical household or gardening tasks, through to specialist skills and tutoring. To learn more about timebanking check out this video.

If you live in Northland and would like to join up go to Kaitāia Timebank and the timebank that has mostly covered the Mid North are in the process of merging to become Tai Tokerau Timebank, but for now the Kaitāia Timebank is where to sign up. You can also pop in to the EcoCentre to find out more!

by Anna Dunford



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 "Enabling a means of exchange that values sharing the gifts we have with others, strengthening a sense of community, and inspiring respect for each other and our environment."

Tai Tokerau Timebank 

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